Black walnut hull is good for treating parasites, if you have pets or livestock, or don’t wash your garden vegetables really well, or eat some meats like pork, YOU PROBABLY HAVE PARASITES. Parasite symptoms include anemia, mood disorders, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, food allergies, chronic fatigue, increased or decreased appetite, and stiff joints.
Walnut hulls help boost your immune system, so you can more effectively fight off colds and other contagious illnesses. Black walnut hull extract is a good treatment for fungal infections like ringworm, toenail fungus, and candida. The juglone in black walnut hull is a quinone that has antioxidant properties.
Black walnut hull can be an excellent supplement to get your regular dose of iodine. Iodine is an essential mineral for thyroid health. It is essential for the production of thyroid hormones.
Black walnut hull is also very good at detoxifying the body, especially the digestive tract. It sweeps out toxins and contributes to a healthy balance. It is also cancer-protective and is good for preventing colon or rectal cancer.
price per 1/2 oz