Chick Weed

Chick Weed

Regular price $1.11 Sale

For general skin care- Chickweed is rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, copper and phosphorus, and antioxidants such as saponins and improves the skins’ health when applied as an herbal ointment or just directly as juice.

In treating skin conditions- Chickweed's medicinal properties are well known in treating skin inflammations arising from conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, and ect.

For weight loss- Flavonoids, tannins, and antioxidants called saponins found in Chick weed can help reduce fat in the body. 

Treatment of respiratory problems- Chickweed herbal tea is known to be useful in some respiration-related problems such as asthma and allergies due to saponins. They help the body in removing phlegm and mucus, our body’s natural secretions as a response to inflammation of the respiratory system. Cleaning up phlegm from your body makes breathing easier hence chickweed is also a common household treatment for cold and flu.

Improving digestive system- Chickweed is a useful aid in treating digestive ailments of the body due to its mineral content. It is also rich in fiber, a very useful supplement to digestion, and hence is found to be very helpful in conditions like constipation. 

Increasing healing process- Its poultices or compresses, when applied to wounds, increases blood flow and protects them against infections, which eases the healing process.

Relieving joint pains- Chickweed is quite beneficial in bringing relief to those suffering from arthritis and gout. In tincture form, it could be applied to joints to reduce pain and swelling

Blood cleaning- Chickweed tea is consumed by many people as a means of removing toxins from the blood system which adversely affect health. Diuretic nature of chickweed increases urine generation and effectively cleanses the kidney.

Post pregnancy treatments- Chickweed extracts can be administered as an emmenagogue, galactagogue, postpartum depurative as well as an excellent circulatory tonic.


Price per 1/2 oz 

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