Sloe Berries

Sloe Berries

Regular price $1.11 Sale

The sloe fruit helps in stimulating digestion, also aids in solving the problem of constipation, cures dyspepsia, lessens bloating, heals diarrhea mainly for children.

Improving digestion- Thanks to their fiber content, sloe berries help in optimizing the process of digestion. They are also the fruits to get your hands on no matter if what you are suffering from is diarrhea or constipation.

Reduce risk of cancer- Everyone knows that berries are loaded with cancer-fighting antioxidants. Since sloe berries are related to those powerful superfoods, you may have your cancer risk considerably lowered simply by including them in your diet as often as you can.

Lowered Heart disease risk- Antioxidants in sloe berries are also very good for keeping heart disease, heart attack and stroke at bay. That’s because they help in fending off high bad cholesterol and increased blood pressure, both of which can put the cardiovascular system in danger.

Controlled kidney issues- Thanks to their mild diuretic properties, these berries assist in shrinking small kidney or bladder stones or keep them from forming. Sloe berries are also beneficial for those who are suffering from a urinary tract infection or UTI.

Reduced inflammation- Sloe berries, just like so many other berries out there, have amazing anti-inflammatory properties. It’s for this reason why you should have it welcomed into your life if you often suffer from painful and swollen muscles or joints.

Price per 1/2 oz 

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